Do you know that the ventricle chambers of the Heart contain thicker cardiac muscles than the Auricles?

 Why are the Ventricles thickly walled than the Auricles ? Let's know the science behind it.

The Heart contains 4 chambers.The upper chambers are called Auricles while the lower chambers are called Ventricles.The right Auricle receives blood from the different body parts via the two Venacavas. On the other hand, the left Auricle receives blood from the Lungs.

Meanwhile,the right ventricle pumps the blood to the Lungs for purification and the left ventricle pumps the blood to the different body parts.In order to pump blood for such a long distance,enormous pressure is required.Thus,the Ventricles are thicker so that they can pump the blood with enough pressure to the different parts. 

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