Digital Citizenship
The present age is the age of science and technology where technology has became an integral part of every one's life.Nowadays,the children are accessible to computer and technology right from their childhood.This tendency has created a separate digital world for them.
Thus, it is essential for the parents and schools to teach the children about the digital and the cyber ethics. A joint effort must be made to teach the children the protocols and commandments of this digital world.The parents as well as the Schools should not only teach the social etiquettes but also the digital ethics. This would surely aid the children to be productive and responsible citizens of this digital world. So let's clear the meaning of Digital citizen and Citizenship.
Digital citizen is the person who utilizes Information Technology in order to interact and communicate with the people, society and the world and has more or less digital appearance in any form. While Digital Citizenship is the act of being a responsible and productive citizen of the digital world by following the digital norms, values and rules to create a better digital world. It inculcates in the computer user the right and appropriate manner of using the technology and the internet.
Importance of Digital Citizenship
There are numerous advantages of Digital Citizenship which can be presented as:
1.It enables the people to access technology and shown equal participation in the Digital Cosmos.
2. It awares the people of the society about Digital protocols and ethics.
3.It helps to create a safe and secure digital world.
4.It promotes the concept of e-commerce and M-commerce.
5.It helps to tackle the cyber crimes like hacking, cracking, phishing and many more.
6.It helps to secure the data and information of this digital world.
Ways of adopting Digital Citizenship
There are a set of different activities that should be done to be a good Digital Citizen. Those commandments of computer ethics are:
1.Never use computer or other technologies to harm other.
2.Never use technology to steal.
3.Never involve in illegal activities like hacking, cracking, piracy and so on.
4.Never access others' computer resources without their consent and permission.
5.Never create and spread rumours and false news using computer resources or any other technologies.
6.Never support Plagiarism and pornography.
Computer and Technology are the greatest tools ever made in the world. They can be used for holistic growth and prosperity of the entire world if used in a wise manner.So, digital citizenship is must for every single people living in the planet to ensure appropriate and positive use of computer resources . Digital Citizenship could definitely aid to make a safe and secure digital world and pave paths for innovation and development .
From now onwards, I request all of you to follow the cyber ethics and utilize the computer resources wisely in order to attain Digital Citizenship.